Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy New Year's! And a great clock on Sale! Red for $30, German New Year's Traditions

Happy New Year's to all our
Wonderful Customers and Friends!

Hope you had a fantastic Christmas. Thank you for your support, patronage, and kind words this past year.

To finish off an amazing 2009, we have a fabulous clock on sale.

Red, 30 inches, 30 Dollars.  Who can beat that? AMAZING!

Also, we have had several LDS wards approach us about YW charms for the new year. If you are interested, let us know!

Our Valentine's Charm Designs are almost done and will be featured in next week's blog. 

BTW, if you ever want a product, we will find it for you, just let us know, all at unbeatable prices. Did you know that we can special order furniture at low, low wholesale prices?  Most national brands for less!

Last but not least: Since so many have asked about my German traditions, here are some interesting fun facts:

New Year's:

Name: Silvester after Pope Sylvester who was pope from 314 to 335 AD.

Did you know? New Year's was originally not celebrated on Jan 1st, but on March 25 which is annunciaton day.  Not until 1582 was New Year's celebrated on the 1st of Jan in parts of Europe but in some protestant parts of Germany it was not adapted until the 1700s, in Britain 1751 and Russia waited until 1918.  Pretty cool!

Most loved custom: Lead pouring.  You melt lead in a spoon (usually over a candle, but my husband is too impatient and uses a blow torch :). Once melted, drop the liquid metal in water, all present interpret what shape it is.  Each shape has a fortune attached which becomes the fortune for the new year.

We do this every year, at our New Year's party.  Always a huge hit, especially with our pyromaniac friends!

Craziest superstition: Don't have any wet laundry around the house or else someone dear will pass away the next year.  As hard as I try to ignore this, years of indoctrination assure that my laundry is always dry on New Year's.  What can I say?

Why all the loud noise (think noise makers, firecrackers, etc.)? To chase out evil spirits.  Are there any left after all the racket of all these years?

From our house to yours: Happy New Year's!

Hope to see you soon!

Anna & Rose Wholesale Boutique
10803 N Alpine HWY
Highland, UT 84003
Hours: Wed-Sat 10-6


Sissy said...

Thanks for all the fun and inforative information! We love your store and are very thankful that you are here in Highland!
Happy New Year! And God bless you.

The Anna and Rose Team said...

Thank you so much for your kind words. We are thankful to be here too, but most of all we are thankful for our great customers. So much fun to meet all these nice people. If you ever need anything or have decorating ideas, let me know, I would love to help out in any way I can and post any projects you are working on. Have a happy, happy new year with lots of joy, hope and laughter!