Saturday, November 8, 2008

Why did we go to China anyway?

After I tell people a few details about our trip, inevitably the question is posed, "Why did you go anyway?" Aside from having fun?

"To find new products for you guys, bringing you the funnest, newest stuff at wholesale prices. Tashina and I sacrificed ourselves and shopped till we dropped, to give the girls in Utah and Salt Lake Counties (and everywhere) some great bargains. Hey, you can't say we stop short of going the extra mile ;)"

Stay posted, soon we will tell you where and when our new store opens and show you some of the wonderful new products we will offer for our big opening sale!

1 comment:

Bridget said...

That is so cool. It sounds so great to shop for a living! I am jealous of you! We were thinking of the stilsons all week and so sad we missed the big party.